Mayor Agility Hurdle Plastic Speed

MAYOR SPEED AND AGILITY. Generate power & Improve speed with these agility, These speed hurdles encourage athletes and bring their performance to the next level as you build strength and explosive speed. They also encourage athletes to get their knees higher when compared to shorter products for better results during agility drills training.

  • MAYOR Speed Training / Agility Hurdles
  • Available in 6”, 9” 12” & 15” height
  • Made of 20mm heavy duty pipe in Neon Yellow color.
  • Improves speed, Break speed limit, Jumping technique, coordination and footwork.
  • The curved design enables them to tip over on impact and minimizes the risk of injuries.
  • Suitable for Football, Soccer, Basketball, Track & Field and many other sports.
6" 9" 12" 15"